One area that I always find I struggle with is making sure that I drink enough water throughout the day. Not because I don't like it. I do and for the most part, aside from my coffee in the morning, water is usually my drink of choice. The problem I run into is just taking the time to drink it. I usually get so caught up in my day that I might not even think about it.
Did you know that the average human body is made up of 75% water? On it's been recommended that you drink 8-8 oz glasses of water per day or other recommendations suggest drink 1/2 your body weight in water. So if you weighed 150 lbs than you should drink 75 oz of water per day- more if you are working out.
Some of the signs that you are not drinking enough water and are dehydrated include: dry chapped lips, dry skin, headaches, achy joints and fatigue.
Drinking water has so many benefits for you including the following:
- Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Flushes Out Toxins
- Improves Skin Complexion
- Maintains Regularity
- Boosts Immune System & helps fight infection
- Natural Headache Remedy
- Prevents Cramps & Sprains
- Puts You in a Good Mood & helps improve your productivity
If you find you have trouble remembering to drink enough water trying setting a schedule. Maybe drink 8 oz 1st thing in the morning when you get up, then set up to drink 20 oz before each meal. Not only will you be hydrated, but it will also help fill you up quicker for your dinner.
If your just not a big fan of the taste of drinking water, try adding some flavoring to it such as as cutting up fresh fruit and add them to the water. Things like lemon, cucumber, mint, berries just to name a few. Adding any of these can to your water can give you a little boost and help you feel refreshed.
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