Thursday, July 23, 2015

Every ONE Matters

Last week I had one of the most AMAZING experiences that makes me even more fulfilled in what I do as a Beachbody coach.  Beachbody held there annual Coach Summit in Nashville, where over 20,000 coaches attended.  The purpose of this Summit was to bring like minded people together, who all have a passion for working with and helping people lead a healthier lifestyle, and provide training to help us become better coaches and better leaders.  We had training sessions lead by some of the top coaches and some key note speakers such as Simon Sinek and Dewight Jones.  We also got to take part in workouts with Celebrity Trainers such as Shaun T, Tony Horton, Autumn Calabrese, Chalene Johnson and Sagi Kalev.  Saturday, 20,000+ coaches took over the streets of Nashville to take part in this EPIC SUPER workout.  This was such a surreal experience and one I will never forget.  The overall theme of this years Summit was that "every ONE matters"!

This was such a great experience to be around so many people who truly care about helping others lead healthier lives.  I am proud to be a Beachbody Coach and LOVE what I do.

If you are interested in finding out more on how you can #payitforward and help change lives, we will be hosting a informational webinar Thursday (7/23/15) @9pm EST.  This is open to anyone interested you will just need to message me either by clicking here, finding me on Facebook or comment below and I will send you the link.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

CIZE- The End of Exercize as You Know It

Are you looking for a change up in your routine, or maybe lifting weights and some of the higher impact exercises aren't for you... this new program by Shaun T could be the workout for you!

You don't even realize your working out!.

I am looking for several individuals looking to improve their health and fitness to join my private online TEST GROUP and be one of the first people to try this program out.

This is a 30 day Challenge that will incorporate fitness and nutrition and it starts August 3rd.

For more information on how you can be part of this Challenge Group click here.

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